Donna and Rachel
Funny story, we have known each other for 2.5years only through Instagram. We finally met for the first time at the YVR airport on our way to Tampa, Florida for the SMP Masterclass. In the short 4 days that we got to know each other, we hit it off instantly! Two strong determined women and mothers who both LOVE SMP so much. We are the only two SMP Artists here in Vancouver that hold 11 SMP Certifications combined and the only two SMP Artists who keep evolving as they both continue learning around the world with SMP education.
We have our individual strengths and together that makes us the strongest SMP Team and only Team in Vancouver. Our vision is to grow the SMP Industry here in our Vancouver city and keeping the industry standards at an all time high. Both of us have an OCD attention to detail when it comes to giving the BEST Scalp Micropigmentation service. Being mothers makes us the most nurturing educators for SMP. We have been teaching SMP for a year now individually and decided that it would be better teaching our SMP classes together.
We are Vancouver Ink SMP. Our goal is to provide the best quality SMP training so we can produce high quality students. With our many years of experience and different styles, our students will be the most evolved SMP students in Vancouver and future cities within Canada.
We did a LIVE recording of our very first SMP Info Class today that will be posted on our new SMP training website soon.